This article reviews the steps you'll take in order to request interpreter services for your Telehealth appointment.
When selecting a provider, the Rula scheduling system allows patients to select a language preference and filters to show only providers who offer therapy in the selected language.
If we are not contracted with providers who speak your requested language, Rula works with a third-party vendor (Interpreters Unlimited) to provide interpreter services to patients seeking care.
Interpreter services must be requested at least 24 hours before the time of your scheduled appointment. Please email to request interpreter services for an upcoming visit for you or a loved one.
Please see below for a list of languages offered by the third-party vendor (Interpreters Unlimited) that Rula contracts with to provide interpreter services. Languages are listed in alphabetical order.
- Afrikaans
- Albanian
- American Sign Language
- Amharik
- Apakapa
- Arabic
- Armenian
- Ashkarik
- Assyrian
- Azerbaijani
- Basque
- Bengali
- Bosnian
- Bulgarian
- Burmese
- Cambodian
- Cantonese
- Catalan
- Cebuano
- Chamorro
- Chiu Chow
- Choktaw
- Creole
- Croatian
- Czech
- Danish
- Dari
- Dutch
- Estonian
- Farsi
- Fijian
- Fijian-Hindi
- Finnish
- Flemish
- French
- Fukien Chinese
- Georgian
- German
- Greek
- Gujarati
- Hakka
- Hebrew
- Hindi
- Hmong
- Hoiping Chinese
- Hungarian
- Ibo
- Ilocano
- Ilongo
- Indonesian
- Italian
- Japanese
- Kamasaja
- Kanarese
- Kannada
- Kapangpongan
- Khmer
- Konkani
- Korean
- Kurdi
- Laotian
- Latvian
- Lithuanian
- Macedonian
- Malay
- Malayalam
- Malaysian
- Mandarin
- Marathi
- Mesquito
- Mestaco
- Mien
- Minh
- Mixteco
- Moldavian
- Nagamese
- Nepali
- Norwegian
- Oaxaca
- Pangasinan
- Papiamento
- Pashto
- Polish
- Pompango
- Portuguese
- Punjabi
- Roumanian
- Russian
- Samoan
- Sephardic
- Serbian
- Shanghai
- Sibuano
- Sicilian
- Sindhi
- Slovakian
- Slovenian
- Somalian
- Spanish
- Swahili
- Swedish
- Tagalog
- Taiwanese
- Tamil
- Tegrinyan
- Telugu
- Thai
- Toisan
- Tongan
- Tulu
- Turkish
- Ukrainian
- Urdu
- Urghur
- Vietnamese
- Visayan
- Yemeni