Learn how long therapy and psychiatry appointments typically last, how often you should schedule them, and what factors influence appointment frequency. Find guidance to help you plan appointments that align with your needs and goals.
Therapy appointment duration
All initial and follow-up therapy appointments are scheduled for 60 minutes. This time is set aside for your care and includes both face-to-face time with your therapist and any necessary administrative tasks, such as documentation and scheduling. Each therapist and visit is unique, so while some appointments may not use the entire 60 minutes for direct interaction, the full hour is dedicated to your care.
Frequency of therapy appointments
The frequency of therapy depends on various factors, including:
- Severity of symptoms or diagnosis
- Personal preferences and scheduling needs
Your therapist will share their recommendations for the frequency of appointments; this is often informed by their understanding of the severity of your symptoms and how they are negatively impacting your functioning and quality of life, as well as if there may be risks to your health if you were to be in therapy less frequently. Most people find that once-a-week therapy meets their needs and helps them make progress toward their treatment goals, while others may need more frequent appointments or may meet with their therapist less regularly as their symptoms improve.
Psychiatry appointment duration
Initial psychiatry appointments are scheduled for 60 minutes. This time is set aside for your care and includes both face-to-face time with your provider and any necessary administrative tasks, such as documentation, prescription management, and care coordination. Each provider and visit is unique, so while some appointments may not use the entire 60 minutes for direct interaction, the full hour is dedicated to your care.
Follow-up psychiatry appointments are scheduled for 30 minutes. These appointments are designed to assess your progress, discuss your response to treatment, and make any necessary adjustments. As with initial visits, this time includes both face-to-face interaction and essential administrative tasks to support your care.
Frequency of psychiatry appointments
After your initial psychiatry intake appointment, you and your provider will establish a follow-up schedule tailored to your unique needs.
Follow-up visits typically occur every 1-3 months, but the timing may vary based on your care plan and progress.
Managing follow-up appointments
If you are an existing patient and would like to schedule, reschedule, cancel a visit, message your provider, find a different provider, or add services (e.g., couples therapy, psychiatry), sign into the Rula patient portal to complete any of these actions!